The Content Update System

A proven post update framework to extend the reach and revenue of your blog

It’s not luck and it’s not art.

Ranking on Google is a methodical skill of discipline and order. Learn the formula to ensure your existing content keeps making money instead of dying on the vine.

I’ll guide you step by step - from plan to execution to results that raise the bar, all while building your SEO confidence so you no longer doubt yourself or feel overwhelmed about your next step.

Join the Waitlist 

If you want to know how to update a post Lesli has the answers. When I follow her strategies my page views and SEO ranking go up. She offers simple, straightforward processes that make sense and are easy to implement. If you are looking for someone to trust and answer the questions you have around blogging and updating your posts Lesli is your person! 

Bryanna Royal

Crazy Family Adventure

Do you remember why you started blogging??

When you decided it was no longer a hobby, but a chance at unmatched freedom,
creative expression and revenue potential? 

You still have that dream, but since then you’ve learned that “passive income” is a farce. Maybe you’ve felt the frustration of falling from grace on Google… or you’re working your arse off on a blog that doesn’t work for you.

If you are…

  • Focused on churning out shiny new content as fast as your fingers will allow because you think it’s the only way to grow your blog
  • Seeing your best posts from last year fall off the radar while not knowing what to do because they still offer valuable info
  • Petrified to touch your posts that do really well because you don’t want to jinx anything
  • Sure that you need to update your old posts but you’ve fallen into a rut and you’re not sure how to prioritize the work or if it’s even worth the effort

Then you’re in the right place.

The Content Update System will give you the tools, assurance and support you need to update your existing content confidently and ensure Google loves your blog as much as you do. 

Lesli is the first person I turn to with technical questions - and input on my 'crazy' ideas. She is able to offer advice in a way that doesn't make my head spin (thank you for not using tech talk!!) and can help me take those impossible ideas and turn them into actionable steps that positively impact website growth and income. When it comes to advice for website growth and income I listen to every word (at least twice).

Jody Halsted

Ireland Family Vacations

By the end of this program, you will have..

Developed your annual update strategy

that gives you a time frame for updating every post so that you have a workable plan

Nailed down our post's target keyword

so that you know exactly what your update objective is before you get started

Mastered Keyword Optimization

to help move your post up in the search engine rankings

Polished your posts for the reader

because writing for the reader is just as important as writing for Google

Developed a post-publish strategy

that truly maximizes all the update work you’ve done up to this point

Set up success-tracking metrics

which will reiterate the importance of your updates and allow you to see your successes 

Above all else The Content Update System will give you the skills, strategy and resources that will allow you to confidently give your blog (and yourself) the gift that keeps on giving - a search optimization foundation that will allow you to actually realize the dream you had when you started this blogging journey.

Everything I know about SEO I learned from Lesli Peterson! Lesli has been a trailblazer in deciphering both the art and the science of SEO for bloggers. She’s always so willing to share her expertise with fellow bloggers, and I’m thrilled to be able to get a download of even more of her expertise on my own time in her new course.

Leslie Harvey

Trips with Tykes

Lesli knows how to help experienced bloggers take it up a notch. I’ve been in this business for over 10 years and I still learn new techniques and tips from her every time she speaks. Her passion for SEO and blog growth comes across in her own successes but also when you are able to put her tips into action. I also appreciate that she values how busy professional bloggers are and makes her courses and sessions concise and purposeful.

Kimberly Tate

Stuffed Suitcase

What’s inside The Content Update System?


Gather your inventory

Say “goodbye” to the mental clutter and “hello” to a system that organizes all those posts you’ve been writing since you started your blog. 

Map out a plan for every post so that you can begin building a system with a solid foundation.


Get organized

Learn how to determine which old posts are worth updating and which ones are parasites - and how to exterminate them (or make them your friend!)

Never guess where to start when it comes to building trust with the search engines - know the exact purpose for each post so that you can easily relay that to Google.


Think like a search engine

Think of this as your PhD in all things “keyword research” so you can move past the frustration of generating compelling content that doesn’t get the respect it deserves.

Nail the process of building expertise from within your own catalog of content


Think like a reader

Get started updating your posts in a way that drives more clicks and encourages more dwell time using old-fashioned and new-fangled copywriting techniques

Clear up the confusion around some common SEO tool misconceptions


Ensure success

Build a post-publish process that is guaranteed to skyrocket your optimized posts

Reinforce your confidence by tracking your wins and repeating the process consistently

I have learned more from Lesli than anyone else in my nearly 10 year blogging career. Her courses are chockful of practical, impactful information that is easy to implement but make a big difference in my business.

Tamara Gruber

We 3 Travel & Your Time To Fly

To be successful in an online business you have to invest time, put in the effort, and have a great set of tools available. I can control the time and effort I put in but when it comes to tools I've found just a small handful of teachings that I can recommend. I can honestly say that anything Lesli Peterson puts out is pure gold in my toolbox. 

Lesli doesn't hold back in sharing the most helpful tips she has, knowledge gained from her own experience as a successful blogger TODAY. She has provided strategic teachings that have helped me move forward in my online business - from SEO to improving old content to email marketing. 

Bridgett Raffenberg

365 Cincinnati

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:

The Course Update System
(A $997 Value)

  • The Entire Course Update System Framework to take you from madly creating new content in order to maintain your page views to generating a perpetual revenue machine that builds on itself.
  • A Clear Roadmap to Tackling Your Inventory so that you no longer need to worry about what posts to work on or when. 
  • A Powerful Keyword Optimization Strategy that you can apply to post updates and new content that ensures all your optimization efforts work to your advantage.
  • A Repeatable System so you can easily replicate your content update efforts every month, or better yet, hire a virtual assistant to make many of the updates for you.

Plus, you'll be backed by a 14-day "try it, test it, apply it" money back guarantee

If you’re on the fence… Or if other trainings have left you skeptical… Then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put The Content Update System into action and experience how easy and exciting it can actually be to move your existing content from dead-in-the-water to a breath of fresh air and increased revenue.

I’m SO confident that if you implement what you learn inside of The Content Updates System you’ll get ROI that knows no limits. The only thing you have to do is suspend your disbelief and give it a chance. You have nothing to lose and hundreds — even thousands — of dollars to gain...month over month. Read terms here.


I’ve been a full-time blogger for many years. Is this still going to be helpful for me?

Absolutely. This course is designed with established bloggers in mind - those that have already built a library of articles on their blog. The more content you have on your site, the more a content update will increase your page views.

In fact, if you’re a new blogger who has not yet started or who has been blogging less than 12-18 months then I would encourage you to hold off on purchasing the course. You’ll gain so much more value with this course when you are applying the concepts to posts that are older than one year.

I’m not too familiar with any SEO techniques. Do I need to be an SEO Guru to understand the system?

Not every career blogger has SEO on their mind quite as much as I do, and that it A-OK. I will hold your hand through each and every step of the process, so there is no need to come to the table with a background in search optimization.

In fact, I find that many of my SEO students have gleaned their information from poor assumptions or incorrect resources and they have to unlearn quite a bit before getting started.

While you don’t need to know SEO, I do want you to be open to speaking to yourself differently as you progress through this course.

Mastering SEO doesn’t require a graduate degree or an Elon Musk-level IQ. There is no secret society or special indoctrination into the SEO Hall of Fame.

Feeling comfortable about how to optimize a blog post – whether a new one or an existing one - is fully attainable by the average Joe. And certainly by the average blogger.

You can do this, and I’ve got your back.

Will I need Semrush to complete this course?

I firmly believe that every blogger who takes their job seriously should invest in Semrush (or an equivalent tool like AHREFS or Moz.) 

Using intuition or “guessing” about how to approach a post update (or a new post, for that matter) means your success is a guess, as well. The more data you have to make decisions, the more likely you are to succeed.

I’m not willing to leave your future to chance, and I don’t want you to do it either.

In this course I will guide you through the process of using Semrush for updates in Module 3. One module of five…but an exceptionally important one.

If you are using a different tool, that will work also. You’ll be able to make the translation easily from Semrush to, say, AHREFS if you’re familiar with your tool.

If you are not using Semrush or a similar tool, I encourage you to get a free trial of the tool for the class. I’ll walk you through exactly how to use it (and don’t forget your amazing Semrush bonus!)

If you’re not convinced after the class that the tool is worth the investment, you can cancel your trial. But I think you’ll be as hooked as I am on the value it provides.

How much time will I need to invest each week in order to get awesome results?

The Content Update System is a self-paced implementation program, meaning you can work as many or as little hours as your schedule allows.

A good rule of thumb would be an hour per week watching the lessons, and another 3-5 putting them into action for about 5 weeks.

But here’s the thing…

You’ll see that The Content Update System is designed for rapid implementation and sustainable momentum.

Meaning, as you stack up the wins and start seeing your page views and ad revenue creep up every month…

You’ll WANT to keep going.

You’ll WANT to make it the first thing you jump into after your epic morning routine.

Because as you’ll soon see, updating your existing content isn’t a chore when you know exactly what you need to be doing to get amazing results without any wasted effort.

It’s actually one of the most easy and satisfying things you can do in your business.

I really want to dive in - but I’m afraid I’ll get overwhelmed and lose focus.

Let’s talk about “overwhelm” for a second.

Overwhelm happens when you don’t have an actionable, easy to follow, proven path to stick to. It happens when you’re running the rat race over and over again without seeing positive results.

I created The Content Update System to be the antithesis of overwhelm.

You’re not gonna do “all the things, all at once”.

You’re going to follow the super detailed, step-by-step implementation lessons, rack up the wins, and gradually become a world class blogger leveraging the same tools and strategies as the experts you’ve looked up to for so long.

As long as you promise to follow the strategies in their proper order and resist skipping ahead or giving up (I know, easier said than done!), I promise to keep you on track.

Do I have a limited amount of time to access this program?

You have lifetime access!  Because refreshing your content will always be a smart move.

I know you’ve been a travel/hyper-local blogger for well over 10 years. Is this only for travel bloggers or hyper-local bloggers?

This course is for every industry and every blogging niche. The system, framework, tools and processes promise success to every full-time blogger regardless of their topic or area of expertise.

It is true that I have been in the travel blogging space for many many years, and sometimes my real-world stories (about my many many failures and the lessons I have learned) are framed as a travel blogger, this course is by no means exclusive to travel.

In every opportunity I have to give you examples, I try to include tons of other niches like food, gardening, financial services, home decor, photography, DIY, crafts, fashion, health and fitness, sports, religion, movies and entertainment…and the list goes on.

Every niche is welcome here, and every niche has the same opportunity for unmarked success from refreshed content.

I purchased your SEO for Professional Bloggers course a few years ago. Is this the same thing?

First of all, welcome back!

In SEO for Professional Bloggers we covered the gamut when it comes to SEO. It was only in Module 5 that we discussed post updates.

In this course we will take that one module and DEEP DIVE into the topic with 17 lessons that answer all the questions that you might have been left with in that high-level module.

As you’ll see, this course offers more than a series of tips and techniques, but actually lays out an entire step-by-step framework for getting organized, setting your update target, making those updates happen, and moving the needle even further with post-publish techniques.

PS. We're updating that course in 2023 and increasing the price...but if you're already a student you get it all for free!

Do I get the full course all at once?

When you sign up, you’ll immediately get access to your bonuses plus a welcome message from me.

On Monday morning of Week 1 of The Content Update System we’ll open Module 1. You’ll have an opportunity to work on every lesson in the module and meet with me in our weekly live Q&A.

We’ll open a new module each week for five weeks, complete with live Q&A. 

Once our five weeks together are up, you’ll continue to have access to the full course for the lifetime of the course, as well as access to the recorded Q&A sessions.

Is there a return policy?

We’re gonna make a little deal, ok?

*head nod*

I’m 100% committed to The Content Update System being the ONLY program you need to successfully update your blog’s content — and watch those posts skyrocket to success in the coming weeks and months as you advance through the framework.

If you are committed to figuring out the very best keywords for your content and optimizing your posts for Google and for your reader, and you are committed to giving this your best shot — then I promise you, you WILL succeed in The Content Update System.

And if you can show me that you’ve gone through the steps, did the work, and still don’t feel that you have a solid update plan in place, then I insist that you reach out within 14 days to get 100% of your investment back. Details here.

Those “leaky buckets” are
dripping more than page rankings.


They’re leaking future ad revenue, future newsletter subscribers, future affiliate profits, future contract opportunities.


We all wish that a post-and-ghost strategy would hold forever, but that’s just not the case. It takes strategic, consistent emphasis on your old content to keep it working for you.


Especially if you want to get off the hamster wheel. Especially if you want to grow your business instead of hustling just to maintain it.


I promise that it’s not hard when you have a plan. It doesn’t even take too much time. But you must have a system, you must know which changes matter the most, and you must be consistent.


I don’t want you to look back in 6 or even 12 months from now without increased page views, increased earnings, increased hope in your business... just wondering what could’ve been if you only acted.


I want you to feel confident about what to update, when to update and how to make changes that impact your bottom line.


And I want you to thank yourself for the decision you made today.